Thin2xIT is more than another consulting company; rather, it is your partner to deliver innovation to help maximize your technology investments. Our mission is to help make IT seamless for small business so that they can grow and prosper.

Interested in Website Development?

From IT investments, roadmaps and strategic planning - to website design, development, and implementation, Think2xIT is your trusted partner for all aspects of technology. We have extensive experience in website transformation, search engine optimization (SEO), content development, and social media integration. 

Customers can elect to multiple levels of engagement, from turn-key website/e-commerce delivery to business technology roadmapping and operational excellence best practices. WE have partnerships with multiple IT vendors, software companies and re-sellers to help drive best practices to maximize your IT investments. With over 30 years of experience in IT, Thin2xIT is uniquely positioned to tackle any of your existing technology needs.

Showcasing innovation, computing trends, business enablers and emerging concepts in Information Technology - Think Twice about (IT).

Understanding "The Art of Innovation", has been a focal point of many companies: wherever possible looking beyond the constraints and envisioning the end state in real, measurable outcomes that have exceed customer expectations. The templates available here are a direct result of this philosophy, driven from a business perspective, not technical capabilities alone. 

Innovation driven by advances in technology has re-shaped our world today; the advent of cloud-computing, social-awareness, personal branding and turn-key subscription services has changed many conventional delivery methods. Traditional models for business transformation have become more radical - driven in part by the speed at which the Internet-Of-Things has impacted our lives and our continued reliance on Always-On lifestyles.

Technology Insights

Gain a different perspective:  Explore the practical application of technology to solve real-world business challenges. The adoption of the latest and greatest can sometimes come at a price; innovation is often driven by understanding the value proposition from a business context and applying it.

As technology evolves the trends for solutions design also fluctuate - Looking objectively at these shifts can often yield unforeseen results -  success and/or failure of a given technology.

Think Twice Blog

Personal Blog

General Observations! Posts written from my own personal perspective on multiple topics; everything from life events to humorous situations in the workplace. This content is purely subjective based on my own observations, meant to be informative without any hidden agenda or bias (well okay maybe some bias where applicable)!

My World

Showcasing innovation, computing trends, business enablers and emerging concepts in Information Technology - Think Twice about (IT).

Understanding "The Art of Innovation", has been a focal point of many companies: wherever possible looking beyond the constraints and envisioning the end state in real, measurable outcomes that have exceed customer expectations. The templates available here are a direct result of this philosophy, driven from a business perspective, not technical capabilities alone. 

Innovation driven by advances in technology has re-shaped our world today; the advent of cloud-computing, social-awareness, personal branding and turn-key subscription services has changed many conventional delivery methods. Traditional models for business transformation have become more radical - driven in part by the speed at which the Internet-Of-Things has impacted our lives and our continued reliance on Always-On lifestyles.

Real innovation is only limited by the borders of your own imagination - this is a key driver for content being published here.


Envision ...

Creating a vision starts with the ability to communicate it effectively; much of the material available here was developed specifically for that purpose.

An e-Store with downloadable templates developed from over 25+ years of experience in the industry make this section of the site unique.

Leverage this material to save time, create stunning presentations, powerful diagrams and more. This material can be used to create content which is targeted, relevant and impactful - Think (2x) IT.


Insights Blogroll

Gain a different perspective:  Explore the practical application of technology to solve real-world business challenges. The adoption of the latest and greatest can sometimes come at a price; innovation is often driven by understanding the value proposition from a business context and applying it.

As technology evolves the trends for solutions design also fluctuate - Looking objectively at these shifts can often yield unforeseen results -  success and/or failure of a given technology.

Personal Blog

Think Twice Blog

General Observations! These posts are written from my own personal perspective on multiple topics; everything from life events to humorous situations in the workplace. This content is purely subjective based purely on my own observations, meant to be informative without any hidden agenda or bias (well okay maybe some bias where applicable)!

Years of Experience

Projects over $5M

Contracts Completed


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Lightweight Humor

Connecting the dots between "Marketure" touted by vendors and the reality of what implementing the product is like can be challenging and frustrating at times. Every technologist has had these conversations at some point in their career.